TM 9-2320-365-20-3
(31) Remove screw (77), lockwasher (78), terminal lug TL56
(79), and terminal lug (80) from PDP (51).
(32) Position terminal lug (80) on PDP (51) with lockwasher
(78) and screw (77).
(33) Remove screw (81), lockwasher (82), terminal lug TL41
(83), and four terminal lugs (84) from PDP (51).
(34) Position four terminal lugs (84) on PDP (51) with
lockwasher (82) and screw (81).
(35) Remove screw (85), lockwasher (86), terminal lug TL42
(87), and four terminal lugs (88) from PDP (51).
(36) Position four terminal lugs (88) on PDP (51) with
lockwasher (86), and screw (85).
(37) Remove terminal lug TL86 (89) from terminal board TB2
(90) position 4.
(38) Remove two nuts (91), lockwashers (92), washers (93),
cover (94), and two washers (93) from terminal board
TB1 (95).
(39) Remove terminal lug TL74 (96) from terminal board TB1
(95) position 3.
(40) Remove terminal lug TL73 (97) from terminal board TB1
(95) position 1.