TM 9-2320-365-20-5
(4) Position terminal lugs TL171 (7) and TL61 (8) on
terminal block terminal (9) with washer (10), lockwasher
(11), and nut (12).
(5) Tighten nut (12) to 15-19 lb-ft (21-25 N·m).
(6) Position turbocharger intake hose (13) on intake air
cleaner boot (14) with clamp (15).
(7) Tighten clamp (15) to 36-48 lb-in. (4-5 N·m).
(8) Install dust boot (16) on terminal lug TL60 (17).
(9) Position terminal lug TL60 (17) on alternator terminal
(18) with washer (19), lockwasher (20), and nut (21).
(10) Tighten nut (21) to 144-192 lb-in. (17-21 N·m).
(11) Position dust boot (16) on terminal lug TL60 (17).